Batik Mega Mendung

One of the Indonesian cultures is batik. Batik mega mendung is batik artwork that has a distinctive characteristic and is an icon of Cirebon city. These batik have a could-like motive with strong colors, but they also have philosophical values in their motives. These batik motives have a quality that is not found in other batik earmarks in Indonesia. Because the motive is typical, the department of culture and tourism will register with UNESCO to get recognition as one of the world heritage.

These batik motives are very popular around in the world. One of the well-known evidence of batik is that batik was once used as a cover for a foreign publication called batik design, by a Dutch national named Pepin Van Roojen. The color of the batik is always blue interred with red because it describes masculinity, simplicity, and dynamic atmosphere. This batik uses light blue to dark blue, because light blue has the brighter meaning of life and dark blue has the meaning of dark clouds containing rainwater, but now they variety in colors such as red, green, yellow, brown, and purple. Motives mega mendung are progressing much growth and modification with market demand. Motives mega mendung are combined with animal motives, flowers or other motives. Right now, a more diverse combination of motive is traditional batik makers for a long time, but these developers are so fast because of the mixture of designer hands.

In conclusion , batik mega mendung is one of the batik in Indonesia. This batik has meaning within it. These batik motives have a quality that is not found in other batik earmarks in Indonesia. We must therefore preserve the batik culture. Not only batik but all Indonesian culture must be preserved, So that in the future our children can learn about Indonesian culture.

9 Komentar

  1. Thanks for information about batik mega mendung, and from the information that you've provided, i can tell that batik mega mendung are part of indonesia

  2. Thanks for your explaining about batik "mega mendung". I hope we can be more loved w/ our culture. Tbh, this hue is one of my favorites

  3. Thanks for your explaining about batik "mega mendung". I hope we can be more loved w/ our culture. Tbh, this hue is one of my favorites
